Minggu, 10 Maret 2019

BolttCoin Core Products Components

Boltt creates an ecosystem of real-life partnerships with retailers, merchants, corporates, service providers, insurance companies, and an integration of gamification, blockchain and distributed ledger technology that aims towards increasing engagement & loyalty based on improved health. The Boltt ecosystem enables people to mine BolttCoins by taking steps, which is a tangible measure of improving one’s personal health. BolttCoin is the exclusive currency used within the ecosystem that can be used as rewards in social gamification, engagement and loyalty programs across the ecosystems.

Core components
Boltt platform consists of the following core components that creates a complete ecosystem:
  1. Boltt health reward engine: Enables to earn/mine BolttCoins with steps & personal health achievements.

2.Boltt engagement & gamification: Enables creating challenges, tournaments, and games from sponsored brands, celebrities, and corporates to reward participants. In addition, it enables merchants to create loyalty programs or link their existing programs to the Boltt platform & give rewards in the form of BolttCoins to spend on the partner network.

3.Boltt decentralized marketplace: Serves several purposes. It mainly enables product listing and sale while opening up a host of other uses including insurance benefits, utility bill payments, entertainment bookings, offline shops, and other services.

4.Boltt identity management and health ID: Provides a digital identity to every individual user. This will be one global health ID on the Blockchain that provides a higher level of security and privacy and available on demand.

5.Boltt crypto wallet: Enables access to all financial services in the Boltt ecosystem. This includes many features including multiple top up and cash out options, holding fiat or multiple cryptocurrencies, money transfer, bill payments & a decentralized exchange.

Target audience

Boltt appeals to a wide range of individual and commercial audiences with many different use cases from individual health improvement to promoting products and services by the corporates.
1.End users — users from all age groups and all segments can take part in the BolttCoin ecosystem.
2.Corporates who want to drive employee productivity and engage with their employees
3.Employees who want to earn rewards in the form of BolttCoins
4.Retailers who want to run loyalty programs with BolttCoins
5.Brands that want to run engagement programs with their Consumers
6.Celebrities who want to run engagement and awareness programs with their fans
7.Insurance providers who want to reward their customers with policy discounts based on health
8.Service providers who want to run engagement programs with their customers
9.Hospitals Hospitals & Medical institutions can collect medical records & reward patients for

Situs web: https://bolttcoin.io/
ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3276720
Whitepaper: https://bolttcoin.io/BolttCoinWhitePaper-V1.0.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/BolttCoin
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bolttsports/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bolttsports
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQh4jrmKaQdNlY_wsrCBAuQ


Minggu, 29 Juli 2018

Dalam artikel ini saya akan menjelaskan sedikit tentang proyek ekoinomik dan bagaimana pengaruhnya terhadap investor, eCoinomic adalah platform layanan keuangan berdasarkan aset crypto. dimana ecoinomic Ini menyediakan pengguna dengan fungsionalitas lengkap termasuk: pinjaman, pertukaran, transfer, manajemen keuangan dan terintegrasi dengan layanan dan sistem pembayaran online.
Berikut ini penjelasan lebih rinci tentang fungsi tersebut:
Pinjaman aman dan tanpa jaminan didasarkan pada uang dan fiat cryptocurrency
Investasi jangka panjang dan jangka pendek dalam uang dan fiat cryptocurrency
Mekanisme hedging risiko nilai tukar untuk aset crypto
Transaksi keuangan, pertukaran, manajemen agunan
Pembayaran barang dan jasa dalam mata uang digital online
platform perdagangan seperti eBay dan Amazon
Transaksi uang Fiat, penerbitan kartu virtual yang didukung oleh aset crypto

Pencinta mata uang-Crypto, investor dalam proyek-proyek baru berdasarkan teknologi blockbuster modern, masih belum memiliki platform yang nyaman dan universal untuk semua operasi dan layanan yang terkait dengan ekonomi crypto.

Pengembangan situs Crypt dilakukan oleh banyak perusahaan. Di antara mereka, proyek penyediaan layanan keuangan luas di bidang kriptografi - eCoinomic - menonjol.
Detail Proyek ECoinomic
eCoinomic adalah proyek dari platform masa depan yang akan fokus pada penyediaan dan pengembangan layanan keuangan menggunakan teknologi Blockchain sebagai dasar pengembangannya.

eCoComic berencana untuk menyediakan layanan keuangan yang transparan, aman dan mudah digunakan untuk semua pengguna. Proyek ini berjanji untuk memberikan akses terbaik dan masuk akal ke layanan keuangan bagi investor dan pedagang mata uang kripto.

eCoinomic dikembangkan menggunakan sistem dan sumber daya yang mendukung terciptanya ekosistem keuangan universal. Keuntungan dari platform adalah penerapan teknologi inovatif.
Tugas eCoinomic adalah untuk menciptakan layanan keuangan terbaik bagi para investor crypto di seluruh dunia. eCoinomic akan memberikan layanan keuangan yang memungkinkan Anda mengelola aset Anda dengan mudah dan aman.
Selain itu, platform eCoinomic akan menyediakan transaksi lending, investasi, hedging, pertukaran dan kripto, dengan integrasi penuh dari layanan ke dalam satu sistem.
eCoinomic dikembangkan oleh tim profesional yang berpengalaman di berbagai bidang, memahami masalah apa yang harus dipecahkan dan bagaimana melakukannya.

eCoinomic menyediakan sistem kredit yang dapat diandalkan berdasarkan pada cryptoeconomics.
Proyek ini akan memastikan manajemen investasi yang nyaman dari setiap periode waktu.
Integrasi ke layanan populer seperti eBay dan Amazon akan dibuat, yang akan memungkinkan pengguna membayar pembayaran langsung menggunakan sistem pembayaran eCoinomic.
Setiap transaksi yang dimulai oleh pengguna akan didasarkan pada token CNC, yang akan digunakan untuk mendukung sistem keuangan internal platform.

Token didasarkan pada sistem ERC 20, berdasarkan Ethereum Blockchain.
eCoinomic dapat menjadi alat kredit jangka pendek untuk startup yang memerlukan investasi dalam dana pengembangan.
Platform proyek akan menjadi multicurrency. Selain mata uang, lebih dari sepuluh mata uang kripto utama akan digunakan.

Direncanakan untuk menggunakan Smart Smart Contract pada platform, yang akan memastikan transparansi dan keamanan setiap transaksi pengguna. Pembangunan platform semacam itu pada akhirnya akan mengarah pada penciptaan ekosistem keuangan dan kemauan yang menguntungkan
semua kebutuhan keuangan pengguna.


Rantai blok adalah catatan informasi yang tidak berubah yang menyimpan semua transaksi digital. Teknologi ini pertama kali diperkenalkan oleh manusia dengan nama samaran Satoshi Nakamoto pada tahun 2008 dan sejak itu menjadi bidang aplikasi yang paling populer untuk proyek-proyek dan investasi baru. Blockchain memungkinkan Anda untuk mendistribusikan semua informasi ke pengunjung, sehingga tidak diperlukan otoritas pusat, yang berarti tidak ada cara untuk melacak, memeriksa, dan mengintervensi dalam transaksi keuangan digital.

Blokchan masih merupakan teknologi muda, sedang dalam pengembangan aktif, perbaikan berkelanjutan, telah menjadi lebih efisien dan dapat diandalkan daripada sistem usang tradisional, sehingga bank, pemerintah dan lembaga lain berencana untuk menggunakan teknologi ini.

Proyek ini akan secara aktif memanfaatkan semua keuntungan dari "fungsi pintar".

Ini akan memungkinkan Anda untuk secara aktif menginformasikan anggota Anda tentang perubahan nilai tukar di berbagai bursa. Ini akan memungkinkan para peserta untuk secara aktif mengubah strategi mereka, dan menggunakan kesempatan untuk terlibat dalam arbitrase.

eCoinomic Token (CNC) adalah token utilitas ERC20, berdasarkan pada blockchain Ethereum. Tujuan token CNC adalah membayar biaya layanan pada platform digital eCoinomic.

Untuk menilai kemampuan platform, pengguna harus menjalani proses pendaftaran yang sederhana. Selanjutnya, di akun pribadi yang baru dibuat, pengguna harus menambahkan token CNC ke saldo untuk mendapatkan akses ke layanan terpilih.

SITUS WEB: http://www.ecoinomic.net/
BOUNTY THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2897866.msg29799978#msg29799978
WHITEPAPER: https://ecoinomic.net/docs/whitepaper
VIDEO PENJELASAN: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2wxK2uOAYY
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/ecoinomic/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Ecoinomicnet
MEDIUM: https://medium.com/@ecoinomic
TELEGRAM CHANNEL: https://telegram.me/eCoinomicchannel
KELOMPOK TELEGRAM: https://telegram.me/eCoinomicchatroom


Sabtu, 28 Juli 2018

What is UbcoinMarket?

Ubcoin Marketplace is a global mobile market to buy and sell real-world goods for kriptocurrency The number of cryptocurrency holders is projected to increase almost 10-fold, from 22 million to 200 million worldwide by 2020. The easiest way to become a cryptocurrency owner is to sell items for crypto . This approach will encourage mass adoption in the coming years. The market capitalization of kriptocurrency is about $ 400 billion. There is a great demand to spend that wealth by buying real world stuff for crypto. Almost half of all online buying and selling activities are now happening in the market, while mobile commerce will soon surpass web commerce as global smartphone penetration reaches 37% of the world population by 2020.

The Ubcoin Marketplace is not a greenfield project, but an extension of Ubank's mobile app:

• A well-established company, established since 2009
• Our current product, Ubank, has over 16 million installations worldwide
• We consist of 50+ developers, top management and advisory talents
• Ubcoin will improve and rediscover the existing product value proposition
• Samsung and Fly pre-installed our current product on all smartphones, sold on CIS, including the Galaxy 9 flagship. The token sale seeks to increase financing to accelerate the development of a smartic contract based on Ethereum blockchain, from AI-based scanners and KYC technologies, and to fund global expansion. The unique distribution model of Ubank applications through pre-installation by manufacturers will be adapted to new geography.

Problem statement

Currently, tens of millions of people legitimately have cryptocurrencies. Hundreds of millions of people around the world are aware of crypto and want to get it. Many crypto views as a means of investment with stunning results, and others seek the benefits of seamless digital transactions and new business opportunities provided by blockchain technology.

The massive adoption of crypto is inevitable and imminent. The causes and credits are owed to many entrepreneurs and visionaries who pursue their footsteps, including our source of inspiration and highly regarded objects, Telegram. When mass adoption gets done it will come sooner than later. Consumers need a simple, fast and secure way of getting digital currency

Cryptococcal capitalization fluctuates about $ 400 billion. But governments, banks, and international payment systems around the world pull their feet in setting clear rules in managing crypto transactions to allow law-abiding citizens to buy and sell physical goods using their digital assets. Most $ 400 billion is ripe for expenditure - conversion into physical assets. Our company's goal is to empower consumers worldwide to invest in crypto and to enjoy their crypto investment purchasing power by creating Ubcoin digital market where they can freely and securely buy and sell kriptocurrency goods.

How does it work

Ecosystem to exchange goods to cryptocurrency, and back. We bridge the gap between the crypto world and the real world.

What is UbcoinMarket?

Ubcoin Marketplace - the next jump for Ubank, which leads mobile payment applications in Eastern Europe. Now with Ethereum blockchain, UBC currency traded on the exchange, and a peer-to-peer smart contract to buy things for cryptocurrency. The Ubcoin market will be part of Ubank's app as a new feature.

Crypto currency mass adoption
We promote the mass adoption of digital assets that are the means of completion and investment vehicles.

Peer-to-peer interaction
Cut as many intermediaries as possible. This platform facilitates intelligent contract execution between independent parties.

The legal market
We are developing AI technology to pre-screen seller posts for potential fair infringement of reason, morality, safety and care.

Blockchain enables decentralized initiation, completion and fulfillment of transactions. Immediate payments made on performance under smart contract.

The interface is perfect
Our interface design brings harmony and seamless experience in buying and selling items globally.

Go to community
We strive to open our APIs to develop the best adaptation of platforms for specific local needs. Also we envisage the involvement of third-party providers (ie shipping companies, notaries).


The Ubcoin platform implements blockchain technology to create, manage, and operate tokenized cryptocurrencies. The platform operates on a smart contract based on Ethereum.
Platform structure Architectural scheme The basic system module:
1) Ubcoin-ID Authorization Service;
2) Billing system (wallet management, deposit / withdrawal, internal transaction);
3) Anti-fraud system (AI, internal regulations, ML);
4) Ad platform (placement and management, premium functionality, catalog and
5) Auction platform (placement and management of auction);
6) Transaction management system (recording of funds, transaction confirmation, transaction history);
7) Moderator and office system administrator;
8) Customer support and arbitration system.

Authorization and security

1. User authorization requires an email address and password
a. After authorization, the user enters an email address and a password.
b. If 2FA service is enabled, users must enter additional passwords received through Google Authenticator or Telegram bot.
c. 2FA via Telegram
1. Users add UBCoinBot to their Telegram account
2. Whenever the user enters the application, he presses the button to get password. After that, the Telegram bot generates a new password.
3. To improve security if user data is suspected of being compromised, the bot may prompt the user to send the current location. The accepted location will be compared to the backend software to the location of the user who is trying to access the app.

2. Security of payment transactions and other Ubcoins operations.
A. To make a payment, need to enable 2FA service. In case of money deposit / withdrawal system will ask for 2FA user's password.
b. The security key to the wallet inside the system is stored on a separate server which is different from the one that holds the backend.

Billing system (wallet management, deposit / withdrawal, internal transaction)
1. All Ubcoin wallet operations are performed in the application;
2. After registration on the system, the user receives access to Ethereum wallet,
which are included in the system and connected with the user. To top-up an Ubcoin
the user's wallet is to enter the wallet number he received during registration;
3. To withdraw funds, Ubcoin users must specify Ethereum wallets
which money is transferred. Transactions are protected by password payments.

Token Distribution

The maximum tokens supply will be distributed as follows:
5% Pre-Sales Private Limited 200 000 000 tokens max
45% Public Placement (ICO) 1 800 000 000 tokens max
12% Team Allocation 480,000 000 tokens max
4% Bounty & Advisors 160 000 000 tokens max
3% Community Rewards 120 000 000 tokens max
31% Reserve Pool 1 240 000 000 tokens max

Long Term Token Value

Original to the ecosystem
The original UBC Tokens peer-to-peer marketplace ecosystem. The smart contract will not accept any other cryptocurrency.
Utility incentives
Significant tokens portion is set aside for business growth, ensuring no new tokens that enter the circulation at a price lower than the original Token Sale.
Token repurchase program
UBC token holders receive a fee discount related to their UBC ownership size. Incentive for clients to buy and hold UBC.
Pool reserve
Strong vesting and anti-dumping prevention mechanisms.
The team is locked
Up to 10% of Ubcoins net profit is transferred to a 10% buyback above the market price or a larger placement.
Burn program
Ubcoin's 5% cost of user transactions is burned to reduce the supply of goods as the business grows.

For More Information:



BolttCoin Core Products Components Boltt creates an ecosystem of real-life partnerships with retailers, merchants, corporates, se...